Improving your Bottom Line with a Cohesive Break-Even Analysis
The Break-even point is where the cost of your business is equal to the income; at this point, your business is neither making profits nor in a loss but is breaking even. For any business to be sustainable, whether small-scale or large-scale, the business owner must know the company’s break-even point. A break-even point defines the target that a business should achieve to stay afloat. Break- even analysis, as the name suggests, concerns the analysis of the break-even point so that the company can set financial and operational targets for the business to sustain itself. Through the break-even analysis, the business owner learns about the volume of sales they must achieve to take the company forward. As your local accountant in Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney, we can help businesses find out their break-even point. We can do a complete health check of your financials, analyze your sales, costs and overheads and work out the various components needed to work out ...