
Showing posts from December, 2022

4 Things You Need to Know About Jobkeeper Version 2.0.

Ever since Covid struck the world, businesses and employees have faced a severe economic crisis. The employees are consistently losing their jobs, while the companies are unable to make the target sales, resulting in unexpected situations. So, to avoid the se issues, the Australian government came up with the Jopkeeper payment that gave businesses subsidies and helped them provide payments to their workers, avoiding further job loss.       If you are a business and need someone to keep a check on your payments and other important financial details, Accountant Strathfield is the best for you. Our team helps you grow and offer efficient bookkeeping services. Your job keeper payment is also secure with us. However, there are a few things about Jobkeeper version 2.0 that you should know. So, let's discuss them!   What is JobKeeper Version 2.0?   The Australian government introduced Jobkeeper version 1 on 30 March 2020, which was supposed to end on 27th Sep...